Monday, March 17, 2008

The Obvious which is Unnoticed

How sad is that in Bollywood movies when making a music video they use American currency to show power of money?!

Yes! Its true, when they made the video of Bluffmaster, they at least had the pride to show Indian currency! However, in movie Cash, the title track, uses U.S. $100 bill with Benjamin Franklin. This just shows you how everyone favors dollars over Indian currency. But people, people, people, Dollar is starting to lose its value!!!

Another eye opening fact about Bollywood movies are Halla Bol & Jodhaa Akbar. Its intentions were true but the drama was not real! For instance, Halla Bol, the little skits in the movie were truly a slap on the public’s face, yet many walked away from theaters learning zip! The political drama was too much; however, fame has its price was true. No wonder celebrity likes to stay away from scandals; the media is a hungry Tiger for prey. The media ruins lives along with reputation of one without making sure of the facts!

With Jodhaa Akbar, if the research of the movie is to be believed, if a Muslim prince kept a Hindu Princess happy with pride? Why can’t the common man do that for thy neighbors? For the common man it’s not about pride, it’s about ignorance of accepting a simple fact that everyone is human before religion sets them apart.

But where does one start setting people apart by its religion? When one clan of religion gets favoritism or one is abused for the religion they believe in. It’s true that middle class people have no time or “hassiet” (value) to fight bureaucracy; therefore, people keep quiet. No one today has the time to create groups or organization to stand against what they truly believe in. People in India have no true powers! Because they are blinded by FEAR!

Many times the social problem in a country is set due to government control. Just like with parenting, parents set example for their children, the government is responsible for setting the right example for its people. They forget that Government is there because of people. Without the people, they have no one to govern!

I thank the producers and directors of the movie Halla Bol for attempting an eye opening issue in our free country. They are at least using their power to send the right message through right channels.

I also like to thank producers and directors of the movie Jodhaa Akbar for bringing out such a wonderful fact that when religions work together, they are unstoppable!


P.S. to my readers, sorry for taking a long time, college is a bitch! But a wonderful experience I cannot miss out on!


Himanshu said...

Read ur blog... i won't be commenting on any of the movies since both of them depict burning issues that we tend to avoid due to sheer ignorance, on given subject that is!!

recently, i've been following India Today Conclave, where they had some very well-known personalities up for debate on various subjects.. center of many subjects was issue of favoritism towards certain religion... although not a total economical problem, India's finance minister P. Chidambaram (i hope it's spelled right!) did say.. when indian citizen will stop favoring a party over a particular religion, the economic gain will be beyond anyone's imagination. In return a citizen will get better jobs, educations, services, and, above all, way BETTER governance!! Now, that's a striking reality which most of the voters try to run away from, just because they are led to believe in "vote-bank politics."

On same topic, another question was along the same lines to Modi. Though I don't follow Modi any closely, nor do I know much about his policies, the answer that he gave was really interesting!! The question was, "What have you done to the Muslims of Gujarat?" And answer was. "Nothing.!" followed by some silence and "I have done nothing for Hindus, too. But what you should note down is that I have done countless things for Gujaratis!" (Later he did say that he only speaks to certain limits, and that's probably the reason he only used gujarati, not Indians !! )

These were the things that came just top of my head. I'm sure there is much more to say on this, and when we realize and fix these differences, I'm sure there shall be better India to look upon!! And it's always fun to read ur blog entries. They're heartening as well as informative and as usual pleasure to read!! Keep it up, girl!

TicklerT said...


Thanks dear for replying.

Well I'm glad to hear at least there is some debate going on over the issue of religion and favoritism. However, the problem is not what politicians think or say, they have to get the message across to a public who has stop believing in their politicians and who have become ignorant simply because they have been treated unfair in the past. How do we teach to those who do not wish to listen? Isn't the number one rule of understanding and learning is LISTENING?

Well, we need more people like damn Modi in Indian government system. Well, Modi probably said Gujarati instead of Indians, because he is the Mantri or Governor of Gujarat. Or may be he didn't want to Kiss and Tell! (Brag about what he has done) Plus, Gujarat has suffered a lot with 2002 Godhra riots between Hindu and Muslims, I don't think everyone has recovered yet. You should watch the Nasrudeen Shah's Parzania! It was based on a true story!

Anyways, Himmy, Thanks for the reply, it did make my day!

Himanshu said...

Yes. Although most criticized chief minister of all time, I still like his way of approaching problem. Rather than making an issue out of anything, he simply lets his work do talking.

See, there are tons of problems to solve but these problems are useless if and unless common citizen wake up and make an issue out of each and every problem they'd face. I don't see anything getting better unless two major things change in modern India.

First and foremost, Poverty. 60% of citizens are living under poverty line. They earn money and spend it on "roti" at night. Their dictionary lacks word "savings." (No blaming here!) Unless we solve the issue of poverty once and for all (much harder than it looks on paper!), I'm sure people will have something better to think other than earning "roti" for the next day.

Second thing that needs to be changed is Education. 30% of population is illiterate. They don't even know how to read and write, how are we suppose to enlighten them about more complex issue that's been literally eating them alive? How are they gonna choose their future leaders? I'm sure most of them just listen to their near and dear ones regarding whom to vote, and I really think most of them aren't even registered to vote!

Anyways, a lot to talk and too little time to write. Just my 2 cents.!!